About Me
The name JHÍN is meant to symbolize a multi-dimensional concept that encourages interconnected ideas about philosophies of spirituality and life. For example, JHIN when pronounced (YIN) represents the duality called Yin and Yang. When pronounced (Jinn) it becomes an auspicious entities that live between heaven and hell, between angel and demon, man and Christ consciousness.
My name is Amanei Johnson, but people refer to me by my nickname, NEMO. I was Born August 31, 2000, in Peoria, IL, and raised in the northern districts of Chicago, Illinois. I went to a different school every year of my high school education, all in the district of Illinois. I decided to continue my education, receiving my bachelor's in visual arts at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. UAPB is considered a historically black college in the southern belt. Illustration and painting are two of my main subjects, which I have enjoyed in early childhood, but I decided to pursue it seriously in my undergraduate career. I thrive through traveling and allow these experiences to inform my works; my current Masters in Painting degree program is at Alfred University which offers an international draw to Germany. This degree program will end in the spring of 2024. From thereafter, I aim to show appreciation for my lens of the human condition, as an individual in conversation with the overall collective. Artistry is an ever-changing discipline for me
Artist in residencies:
ASC 701, Public mural, JULY 2023 - AUG 2023
ASC 701, Public Mural, JULY 2022 - AUG 2022